Còdan puist API - Cothrom air dàta còd puist air feadh an t-saoghail

Coimhead air còdan puist, faigh a h-uile còd puist astar astar agus mòran a bharrachd leis an API còd puist againn.

Dàta air feadh an t-saoghail
94+ Dùthchannan
      "code": "10005",
      "country": "US",
      "range": "25",
      "measure": "mi",
       "range_codes_unique": [
       "range_codes": [
       "range_codes_details": [
              "city":"Cliffside Park",
              "state":"New Jersey",
              "state":"New Jersey",
              "state":"New Jersey",
              "city":"Fort Lee",
              "state":"New Jersey",
              "state":"New Jersey",
Postalcodes.app - Access to Worldwide Postal Code data | Product Hunt

API furasta a chleachdadh

Tha PostCodes.app na inneal a leigeas leat fiosrachadh fhaighinn mu dhiofar chòdan puist air feadh an t-saoghail. Gheibh thu còdan puist ann an raon astair ann an cilemeatairean no mìltean, no gheibh thu mion-fhiosrachadh mu chòd puist san fharsaingeachd.

GET Faigh còdan puist taobh a-staigh astar

Leis a ’cheann-uidhe furasta seo a chleachdadh gheibh thu liosta de chòdan puist a tha taobh a-staigh astar sònraichte. Tillidh an eisimpleir iarrtas liosta de chòdan puist sònraichte, liosta iomlan de chòdan puist agus mion-fhiosrachadh gach còd puist.

GET https://postalcodes.app/api/v1/?key=YOUR-APIKEY&distance=25&zipcode=10005&country=us

Bidh an API againn a ’gabhail ri tomhas astar ann an cilemeatairean (bunaiteach) no mìltean.

Gus an tomhas atharrachadh gu cilemeatairean feumaidh tu am ms a chuir san iarrtas agad:

GET https://postalcodes.app/api/v1/?key=YOUR-APIKEY&ms=km&distance=25&zipcode=10005&country=us

Bidh am freagairt a ’coimhead mar seo:

      "code": "10005",
      "country": "US",
      "range": "25",
      "measure": "mi"
       "range_codes_unique": ["07010", "07020", "07022", "07024", "07026", ...],
       "range_codes": ["07010", "07020", "07022", "07024", "07026", ...],
       "range_codes_details": [
              "city":"Cliffside Park",
              "state":"New Jersey",
              "state":"New Jersey",
              "state":"New Jersey",
              "city":"Fort Lee",
              "state":"New Jersey",
              "state":"New Jersey",

GET Faigh mion-fhiosrachadh mu chòdan puist

Tillidh an eisimpleir a leanas mion-fhiosrachadh mu na còdan puist a tha a ’freagairt ris a’ cheist rannsachaidh.

GET https://postalcodes.app/api/v1/?key=YOUR-APIKEY&zipcode=10005&country=us

Bidh am freagairt a ’coimhead mar seo:

      "code": "10005",
      "country": "us",
      "range": "",
      "measure": "mi"
       "range_codes_unique": ["10005"],
       "range_codes": ["10005"],
       "range_codes_details": [
              "city":"New York",
              "state":"New York",
              "province":"New York",

GET Faigh dàta gnàthaichte

Faodaidh tu pasgain a bharrachd a thoirt seachad gus dìreach na tha a dhìth ort fhaighinn anns na toraidhean, dìreach cuir na fields luach san iarrtas agad.

GET https://postalcodes.app/api/v1/?key=YOUR-APIKEY&fields=["range_codes_unique"]&distance=25&zipcode=10005&country=us

Bidh am freagairt a ’coimhead mar seo:

      "code": "10005",
      "country": "US",
      "range": "25",
      "measure": "mi"
       "range_codes_unique": ["07010", "07020", "07022", "07024", "07026", ...]

+94 Dùthchannan le taic

AD (Andorra)
AR (Argentina)
AS (Samoa Ameireaganach)
AT (An Ostair)
AU (Astràilia)
AX (Eileanan Aland)
AZ (Azerbaijan)
BD (Bangladesh)
BE (A 'Bheilg)
BG (Bulgaria)
BM (Bermuda)
BR (Brazil)
Flag of Belarus
BY (Beloruisia)
CA (Canada)
CH (An Eilbheis)
CL (Chile)
CO (Columbia)
CR (Costa Rica)
CY (Ciopras)
CZ (Poblachd na Seice)
Flag of Germany
DE (A 'Ghearmailt)
DK (An Danmhairc)
DO (Poblachd Dominica)
DZ (Algeria)
EE (Estonia)
ES (An Spainn)
FI (Suomaidh)
FM (Micronesia)
FO (Na h-Eileanan Fàrach)
FR (An Fhraing)
GB (An rioghachd aonaichte)
GF (Guiana Frangach)
GG (Guernsey agus Alderney)
GL (A 'Ghraonlainn)
GP (Guadeloupe)
GT (Guatemala)
GU (Guam)
HR (Croatia (Hrvatska))
HU (An Ungair)
IE (Èirinn)
IM (Man (Eilean))
IN (Na h-Innseachan)
IS (Innis Tìle)
IT (An Eadailt)
JE (Jersey)
JP (Iapan)
Flag of South Korea
KR (Coirea a Deas)
LI (Liechtenstein)
LK (Sri Lanka)
LT (Lithuania)
LU (Lugsamburg)
LV (Latbhia)
MC (Monaco)
MD (Moldabhia)
Flag of the Marshall Islands
MH (Na h-Eileanan Marshall)
MK (Macedonia)
MP (An h-Eileanan Tuath Mariana)
MQ (Martinique)
MT (Malta)
Flag of Malawi
MW (Malawi)