Waehere Poutāpeta API - Te urunga ki nga Raupapa Waehere Poutāpeta o te Ao

Tirohia nga waehere poutāpeta, whakawhiwhia te waehere poutāpeta ki te tawhiti tawhiti me te maha atu me ā mātou API waehere poutāpeta.

Raraunga Katoa o te Ao
94+ Whenua Whenua
      "code": "10005",
      "country": "US",
      "range": "25",
      "measure": "mi",
       "range_codes_unique": [
       "range_codes": [
       "range_codes_details": [
              "city":"Cliffside Park",
              "state":"New Jersey",
              "state":"New Jersey",
              "state":"New Jersey",
              "city":"Fort Lee",
              "state":"New Jersey",
              "state":"New Jersey",
Postalcodes.app - Access to Worldwide Postal Code data | Product Hunt

He ngawari ki te whakamahi i te API

Ko te PostalCodes.app he taonga e taea ai e koe te tiki korero mo nga waehere poutāpeta rerekē o te ao. Ka taea e koe te tiki waehere poutāpeta i te tawhiti tawhiti i roto i te kiromita te maero ranei, te tango ranei i nga korero mo te waehere poutāpeta i te nuinga.

GET Whiwhi waehere poutāpeta ki tawhiti

Ma te ngawari o te whakamahi i te pito ka kitea e koe he raarangi waehere Poutāpeta kei roto i tetahi tawhiti kua tohua. Ko te tauira tono ka whakahoki i te raarangi o nga waehere poutāpeta motuhake, te raarangi katoa o nga waehere poutāpeta me nga taipitopito o ia waehere poutāpeta

GET https://postalcodes.app/api/v1/?key=YOUR-APIKEY&distance=25&zipcode=10005&country=us

Ka whakaaehia e ta maatau API nga waahanga tawhiti i nga kilomita (Taunoa) maero ranei.

Ki te huri i te inenga ki te kiromita, me matua hoatu e koe te huringa ms ki to tono:

GET https://postalcodes.app/api/v1/?key=YOUR-APIKEY&ms=km&distance=25&zipcode=10005&country=us

Ka penei te whakautu:

      "code": "10005",
      "country": "US",
      "range": "25",
      "measure": "mi"
       "range_codes_unique": ["07010", "07020", "07022", "07024", "07026", ...],
       "range_codes": ["07010", "07020", "07022", "07024", "07026", ...],
       "range_codes_details": [
              "city":"Cliffside Park",
              "state":"New Jersey",
              "state":"New Jersey",
              "state":"New Jersey",
              "city":"Fort Lee",
              "state":"New Jersey",
              "state":"New Jersey",

GET Tiki taipitopito waehere poutāpeta

Ma te tauira e whai ake nei e whakahoki nga korero mo nga waehere poutāpeta e ōrite ana ki te pātai rapu.

GET https://postalcodes.app/api/v1/?key=YOUR-APIKEY&zipcode=10005&country=us

Ka penei te whakautu:

      "code": "10005",
      "country": "us",
      "range": "",
      "measure": "mi"
       "range_codes_unique": ["10005"],
       "range_codes": ["10005"],
       "range_codes_details": [
              "city":"New York",
              "state":"New York",
              "province":"New York",

GET Tikina he raraunga ritenga

Ka taea e koe te paahi i etahi atu paramana hei tiki noa i taau e hiahia ana mo nga hua, taapiri noa iho i nga fields uara ki to tono.

GET https://postalcodes.app/api/v1/?key=YOUR-APIKEY&fields=["range_codes_unique"]&distance=25&zipcode=10005&country=us

Ka penei te whakautu:

      "code": "10005",
      "country": "US",
      "range": "25",
      "measure": "mi"
       "range_codes_unique": ["07010", "07020", "07022", "07024", "07026", ...]

+94 Whenua tautokohia

AD (Andorra)
AR (Argentina)
AS (American Samoa)
AT (Austria)
AU (Ahitereiria)
AX (Aland Islands)
AZ (Azerbaijan)
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BE (Belgium)
BG (Bulgaria)
BM (Bermuda)
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CL (Chile)
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CR (Costa Rica)
CY (Kupiri)
CZ (Czech Republic)
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DO (Dominican Republic)
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ES (Panana)
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FM (Micronesia)
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GB (United Kingdom)
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HR (Croatia (Hrvatska))
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IE (Ireland)
IM (Te tangata (motu o))
IN (Inia)
IS (Iceland)
IT (Itari)
JE (Jersey)
JP (Japan)
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LU (Luxembourg)
LV (Latvia)
MC (Monaco)
MD (Moldova)
Flag of the Marshall Islands
MH (Marshall Islands)
MK (Maketonia)
MP (Nga Moananui o Mariana)
MQ (Martinique)
MT (Malta)
Flag of Malawi
MW (Malawi)